So, the Holiday Season is behind us. Hopefully, your gifts will have included a marvellous new digital camera that you just can't wait to use. If you are anything like me, within minutes you have that beautiful piece of equipment in your hands and are snapping away. Stop! This time next year, wouldn't you like to be able to say you took the most amazing and stunning pictures. Now is the ideal time to learn how to use a camera properly, and invest a little energy into following a photography course online.
It is fair to say that there is not a major step between ordinary pictures and potential masterpieces - it's just knowing how to do it that is the key. Importantly, it is not always necessary to own a top of the range SLR. Most modern digital compact cameras can be used to create memorable images.
Imagination is key. Once you learn to think like a photographer you will be surprised how inventive you can become. Try taking a shot from an extremely low angle and see the difference it can make from the same shot taken standing up.