Digital Photography Articles

Friday, 27 March 2009

Sexy Photography Boosting Business

Sexy Photography Boosting Business

FORT MYERS: Women in Southwest Florida are getting their girlfriends, lining up, stepping behind the Red Door and taking it all off for eye-popping sexy photos. Those pictures are now catching on and boosting business.

As the saying goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words. But sometimes, a little less can say a lot more.

Michelle Weaver is the owner of Picture This - a photography studio on McGregor Boulevard in Fort Myers. Last year, just before Valentine's Day, the studio held a first of its kind gathering for married women called the Red Door.

"It's sexy hot momma boudoir parties," said photographer Marie Kamp.

"Everyone is clad in a robe first, then it all changes. Women run around here, you know, in their birthday suits," added Weaver.

Kamp says it was during that Red Door gathering that she began taking the artistic pictures for the very first time.

"It caught on like wildfire. It has not slowed down at all. It's very popular," she said.

In fact, Weaver said the photos now make up 70-percent of the studio's revenue.

In a time when many downtown businesses are struggling to stay open, Picture This is hanging on thanks to a concept where the clothes come off when the camera turns on.

"This has been like CPR for our studio. It's really been the heartbeat," said Weaver.

It's a body of work that's proving to be a fine work of art.

"There's a fine line between sexy hot momma and smutty pictures. What we do is tasteful and appropriate. We do market to married women," said Weaver.

Click here to read more about Picture This and the Red Door.

Taken From

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

World Naked Bike Ride Celebrates The Beauty Of The Body Like

World Naked Bike Ride Celebrates The Beauty Of The Body Like

Each year people all over the world gather together for the World Naked Bike Ride. The ride is a celebration of the beauty and freedom associated with the unclothed human body.

Much like the riders who gather for this liberating ride each year, the owner of also believes in celebrating the beauty of the human body. The site features artistic photos of women in lingerie and is updated on a weekly basis.

Showing women in full slips, half slips, crinolines, petticoats, bras and panties, the site displays vintage focused photos for visitors to view.

View this new lingerie art at:

At Glamour and Boudoir photography techniques are merged together to produce private images of women putting on and taking off lingerie. The innocence and sensual beauty of the photographs makes for engaging and beautiful artistic displays.

The site is not a typical "hot babe" site but is instead a classy view of lingerie photos online. The elegance in each photo is crystal clear.

Just as early artists drew the female body in stone carvings, hieroglyphics, drawings, sculptures, paintings, photographs and cinematography, works hard to depict the female body in artistic and respectful manners. is a site featuring tasteful art in photograph form with models wearing present day and vintage lingerie. From traditional glamour pinup vintage lingerie to the petticoat soft underskirt, the photos are modern interpretations of classic clothing displays.

Just like the World Naked Bike Ride, this site is forward thinking when it comes to the human body's liberation movement.

By bringing glamour and beauty together, this new artsy website focuses not only on the female body. The site also focuses in on art lingerie photographs providing art lovers all over the world a new type of artistic expression.

We look forward to your comments, your ideas and your visits...

Please visit us at:

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Wednesday, 8 October 2008

The Best Time To Choose A Wide Angle Lens

The Best Time To Choose A Wide Angle Lens

Wide Angle Lens. When is the best time to choose a wide angle lens, and how does one choose the appropriate wide angle lens for a particular shot?

First things first, the best time for a wide angle lens is to be used is when you are planning to take a beautiful shot of a landscape.

Another important aspect of landscape photography is the selection of the appropriate light as well as the perfect location of the landscape shot. As much as possible, and depending on what it is being shot, the selection of the appropriate day to catch that landscape picture perfect landscape view is everything. Lights, location and action

When the location has finally been chosen for the wide angle lens shot, try to notice the light effects visible on the area that you plan to shoot in over a whole twenty four hour day. This ensures that you know how the lights play over the range of mountain, sand or seas. This also helps you plan just how it is you are to go about taking that shot, when and how.

When you finally know, it is therefore time to be a little bit creative. You may include elements in your picture’s foreground in order to have an additional scale and depth to your pictures. Also, feel free to look around from other points in the area where you think the shot could just as well be taken. This may add a little bit of interest to the final picture. Also consider taking a variety of levels and positions.

Time is always of the essence

Believe it or not, in order to avoid any shadows that may appear harsh on the picture, the best time to shoot is early during the morning as well as late in the golden afternoon.

During this time, take your camera out and set it up using a tripod. Then, take a reading of any area of the shot using a light-meter. Once the appropriate measurements have been taken, adjust the speed of the shutter and the aperture.

After all these, all you need to do is to press the release button and take a beautiful picture.

Make use of natural effects

If there are any natural creations occupying your shot, try to use a backlight or side lighting that provides the leaves, – for example – grass, water or smoke an appearance that these seem to be translucent, almost ethereal.

Pictures of a beautiful sunset are best taken just when the sun has gently touched the horizon and immediately a maximum of five – count them - five short minutes just after the sun has finally set.

It is best that you use or position yourself to a geographically high point.

A filtered polarizer may also be used in order to heighten the sky’s color or tone, thus delivering a picture befitting a postcard.

A wide angle lens helps a lot in increasing the picture’s scope.

Do not forget to relax. This prevents the camera from unnecessarily shaking and helping you focus on the subject more than anything else.

Supply yourself with much needed supplies

Since landscape photos are usually taken far from the city and well into the country, it is best that you pack up a host of equipments that enables you to take pictures even during temporary obstacles.

A flashlight always comes in handy, bottled water is another (to keep the photographer replenished and not thirsty), as well as a lot of extra rolls of film. This is one equipment that photographers generally can't do without.

Basically, a wide angle lens has a focal length that measures less than forty millimeters. Be aware as well as be wary that the length of the lens changes how an image is seen.

All in all, determining the best lens to use for a particular shot requires a lot of patience, skill and practice. The art of mastering landscape photography doesn't have to be difficult. And the best lens to use for such kind of photography is a wide-angle lens.

Getting that that shot right takes not only skill but the strength, stamina and endurance to get to where the location of the landscape is and the energy – upon reaching that location – to get the job done. And when that moment arrives, the job has only just begun.

by Photography Is Now My Business